Scheduling & Resource Management

Automatic scheduling with the student in mind

Flexible & agile activity management

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of activities, down to individual tasks, using complex filtering and custom grouping capabilities through our tagging system
  • Construct scheduling layers based on any parameter associated with the activities scheduled
  • As soon as a set of activities is submitted and reviewed, auto-scheduling can begin, facilitating an agile and efficient scheduling process

Comprehensive constraint management

  • Employ the most sophisticated TimeEdit scheduling concepts as either hard or soft constraints in your auto-scheduling process
  • Create an unlimited number of constraint profiles, each comprising a specific configuration of constraints, to enable efficient auto-scheduling tasks

Scheduling jobs & insights

  • Quickly comprehend the results of an auto-scheduling task, identifying which constraints caused failures and which specific activities were not scheduled
  • Combine your scheduling layers with various constraint profiles to thoroughly analyze the outcomes

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