Publishing & Class Registration
Native publishing of your timetable
Native publishing of your timetable
- Tightly integrated with our scheduling solution, Viewer let you access and view the timetable out-of-the-box
- Utilizing the same data model as our scheduling solution, you can always be sure to find the exact same reservations, objects and field data as in the scheduling solution
Create the views that fits you
- The high flexibility lets you configure views of anything from programs of study, courses, buildings, rooms, equipment and much more
- Using our comprehensive access model, you can steer the users to access and see exactly what they should see to make it easy to get the right information
Adjust appearance & information displayed
- Decide on how you want the information to be displayed in all views, everything from color coding to what information should be displayed in that exact view
- Information is always in sync with the scheduling solution - anything that is adjusted by the scheduling team is automatically updated to all views & pages
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